Denny Uphoff and Jim Brown’s separate operations share an unorthodox partnership. But as Jim and Denny share, it’s a partnership that continues to pay off.
Author - Emily Groubert
For Jim Brown and Denny Uphoff, fungicides have been an investment that pays back big. Because, as Denny and Jim explain, sometimes it doesn’t pay to try and outguess...
While Denny Uphoff and Jim Brown couldn’t initially see the Revytek™ and Veltyma™ fungicides difference, their monitors did. As they explain, Jim and Denny soon did too.
For more than 40 years, Beason, IL’s Jim Brown and Denny Uphoff have run their own respective operations. While these long-time friends occasionally share equipment and...
Partnering with a great team can make all the difference. Bob Wieland and his BASF Innovation Specialist Rodney Phelps explain why.
The success of Bob Wieland’s Laura, IL operation has always depended on two things: partnering with great people and being open to trying new things. So when an...
Bob Wieland’s RevX Fields results were anything but expected. As Bob and his BASF Innovation Specialist Rodney Phelps explain, there are a few things to look out for.
Can Revytek™ and Veltyma™ fungicides really make a difference? Bob Wieland explains the a-ha moment which resulted in a resounding “yes”.
Jena and Levi Ochsner and BASF’s Scott Kay chat with Max Armstrong about their experience with Veltyma®fungicide and how to make every bushel count, especially in times...
Jena and Levi Ochsner and BASF’s Scott Kay chat with Max Armstrong about their experience with Veltyma®fungicide and how to make every bushel count, especially in times...