Justin and Ellen Rahn have multiple jobs between them, but they still find plenty of time to get involved in ag organizations at the local and state level.
Author - jfedie
For Justin Rahn, cover crops are an opportunity to take care of the land while getting more out of it.
Justin and Ellen Rahn are growers first, but both have other businesses that make for busy, and rewarding, lives.
As both a grower and a cow-calf operator, Justin Rahn works hard to make sure what he applies on his farm stays on his farm.
Andrew Fansler didn’t grow up on a farm, but wanted to work on one even as a young child.
Located not far from Indianapolis, Andrew Fansler sees urban sprawl creeping toward his operation. It poses challenges, but also gives him a opportunity to be an...
To get ahead, Andrew Fansler is always looking ahead – to new ideas, products and technology.
After seeing the benefits, fungicides have become a regular part of Andrew Fansler’s crop protection program.
If Andrew Fansler’s daughters want to follow in his footsteps, he’s going to make sure there’s a path for them.